
Beyond the Door of No Return


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Beyond the Door of No Return
Beyond the Door of No Return

Confronting Hidden Colonial Histories through Contemporary Art

Selene Wendt
co-published by Skira and The Africa Institute

This richly illustrated book focuses on the lesser-known detailsof colonial history, with particular emphasis on stories of resistanceand rebellion against colonial rule.
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The contemporary artists featured in this book include John Akomfrah, La VaughnBelle, Manthia Diawara, Jeannette Ehlers, Michelle Eistrup, Sasha Huber, OceanaJames, Patricia Kaersenhout, Grada Kilomba, Suchitra Mattai, and Alberta Whittle, who are all at the forefront of decolonial thinking. Through their artworks, they convey compelling narratives that shed light on the entangled colonial histories that connect Europe, Africa, the Caribbean and the Americas. Collectively, these artists provide crucial insight into some of the lesser-known aspects of colonial history, such as Norwegian involvement in the transatlantic slave trade.
The artists featured in this book convey unique resistance stories about fearless freedom fighters such as Venus Johannes, Mary Thomas, Olaudah Equiano, and Anna Heegaard, thereby allowing for a deeper, more nuanced understanding of colonial history than the historical narratives that have typically been told from a Western perspective. These are stories of resistance that help, at least partially, to set the historical records straight. By highlighting the stories of those who have been historically silenced, we gain access to a more nuanced understanding of colonial history and the factors which have contributed to the continued effects of colonialism today, mostevidently witnessed in the prevalence of racism, poverty, and forced migration.
Beyond the Door of No Return represents the first in a series of co-publicationsbetween The Africa Institute, Sharjah, and Skira, one of the oldest and leading publishersin the field of art and visual culture.
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Anno di pubblicazione2021
Formato18 x 24cm
Illustrazioni a colori70
spedizioni Spedizioni su territorio nazionale e all'estero in 4/5 giorni lavorativi.


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