
Lost China


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Lost China
Lost China

The photographs of Leone Nani

The Photographs of Leone Nani publishes, for the first time, over 180 images that he took documenting the everyday lives of villagers during this turbulent era in Chinese history.
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Leone Nani lived in China as a missionary from 1904-1914, one of the most complex periods of the Chinese Empire—a period of violent transition marked by the fall of the Qing Dynasty and the advent of the Republic. During this time, Nani traveled to villages where he took a deep interest in the social and cultural realities of the local people. Lost China. The Photographs of Leone Nani publishes, for the first time, over 180 images that he took documenting the everyday lives of villagers during this turbulent era in Chinese history.
Using a mobile studio and working with glass plates that he developed and printed on his own, Nani captured images of young couples, families, dignitaries, peasants, and artisans. His curiosity and respect for a culture whose values were not his own and whose customs were foreign becomes clear through photographs ranging from portraits, to images of architecture and the landscape. His skills as a detailed observer of local habits and customs make the book an intimate exploration of China during the early twentieth-century—a time which has, for the most part, been restricted to the descriptions of travelers.
The sheer quality and quantity of his pictures, the choice of subjects and handling of widely different situations, have deserved Nani the right to be considered a master in his field, by any standard.
With six essays detailing the history, art, and photography, Lost China. The Photographs of Leone Nani will be a critical addition to the library of historians and photographers alike.
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Anno di pubblicazione2003
CuratoreClara Bulfoni;Anna Pozzi
Formato24 x 28cm
spedizioni Spedizioni su territorio nazionale e all'estero in 4/5 giorni lavorativi.


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